Most of the videos on this site can also be viewed directly on his
YouTube channel (if the embedded versions here do not work for any reason).
All videos on this site are copyrighted and are available for individual viewing only. They may not be downloaded, duplicated, posted online, broadcast, or distributed in any way. You can embed the YouTube videos on a blog or website provided that you link back to this site or Prof. Simons's personal website as the source. These videos may not be used in training presentations or workshops, although they may be shown from YouTube in classroom teaching at a school/college. Many of Prof. Simons's videos are available for use trainings or presentations on collections from Viscog Productions (
Try it yourself
Each of the videos in this player allow you to try an experiment for yourself. We suggest trying them in order. Just follow the provided instructions.
Videos illustrating studies
The videos in this player illustrate studies that our lab has conducted over the years. More will be added soon.